... mining jurisdictions ... The Company is also one of the largest holders of alluvial gold claims in the Yukon and is building a production royalty business by partnering with experienced mining operators.
There is little reliable available data on the Bougainville's mainly agricultural, fisheries and alluvial mining based economy. Restarting the Panguna mine would take many years and cost billions of dollars.
... (the “Option Agreement”) between Nana as optionor and Orea Mining Corp ... Antino is 20,000 hectares and has produced over 500,000 ounces of gold from surface and alluvial mining to date1.
Further, the Optionor has agreed to not pursue alluvial and surface mining in newly explored areas (for example, areas where Miata has conducted sampling, ground geophysics, or drilling) without prior agreement between the two parties.
... by artisanal mining at Lower Antino with grab sample grades as high as 20.4 g/t Au ... Antino is 20,000 hectares and has produced over 500,000 ounces of gold from surface and alluvial mining to date1.
20 (Xinhua) -- The Zimbabwean government on Tuesday renewed its ban on alluvial and riverbed mining to curb environmental degradation ...Zimbabwe renews ban on alluvial, riverbed mining.
Under the Government support program for the sub-sector, MIIF introduced the Small-Scale Mining Incubation Program (SSMIP), targeted at licensed small-scale entities engaged in hard rock or alluvial mining.
He added, "So many species, particularly fish, are being put at risk through the pollution caused by mining ... For example, artisanal small-scale alluvial gold mining in Ghana threatens important bird areas through environmental mercury pollution.
Chy? I wasn’t familiar with the Ordnance Survey abbreviation for chimneys until I set off to walk around the ghost mines of Camborne... The sett was originally worked for alluvial tin in the 1580s.
However, the mines in the New World were greater source of silver than gold ... Alluvial gold remains the most “celebrated” example of exogenetic gold ores; and the type most commonly mined in ancient times ... Gold Mining and Concentration Techniques.
The Company is also one of the largest holders of alluvial gold claims in the Yukon and is building a production royalty business by partnering with experienced mining operators.
Older sedimentary rocks that overlie parts of the Craton hold globally important reserves of bauxite and potash, while the upper horizons of multiple landscapes are rich in alluvial gold.
The Company is also one of the largest holders of alluvial gold claims in the Yukon and is building a production royalty business by partnering with experienced mining operators.